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Optical Brighteners (OB) Masterbatches :
Optical Brighteners (OB) Masterbatches :

Optical Brighteners (OB) are chemicals (Derivatives of Bisbenzoxazole) which are used to remove yellowness and improve the whiteness of the Plastic products. Optical Brighteners (OB) are additives which significantly help in improving the shinning of the Plastic Products. Optical Brighteners

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UV (Ultra Violet) Masterbatches:
UV (Ultra Violet) Masterbatches:

UV Masterbatches protects the colour in the Final Plastic Products from fading. When the Plastic products are exposed to sunlight, they may lose their colour. Hence to protect them from sunlight, UV Masterbatches are used. It is normally used where

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Opaque Colour Masterbatches:
Opaque Colour Masterbatches:

Opaque Colour Masterbatches are Masterbatches with Titanium. When the end product needs to be opaque i.e. not transparent then such Masterbatches are used. Such Opaque Colour Masterbatches are widely used to impart colours to the end product. Bagrecha Polymers provides

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Transparent Colour Masterbatches (TR Masterbatches):
Transparent Colour Masterbatches (TR Masterbatches):

Transparent Colour Masterbatches are Masterbatches without Titanium. When the end product needs to be transparent then such Masterbatches are used. In some cases, such Masterbatches are also used with Milky Granules to get opaque product as Milky Granules already have

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Selection and Dosage of Masterbatches:
Selection and Dosage of Masterbatches:

Masterbatches provides colours to plastic materials. Hence it is extremely important to choose the right Masterbatch. Generally following factors to be considered before selecting the Masterbatch: Carrier Resin used in Masterbatch Pigments used in Masterbatch Light Fastness and Particle Size

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What are Masterbatches?
What are Masterbatches?

Normally, the virgin Plastic Granules are transparent and do not have any colour. To add colours to plastics, Masterbatches are used. Masterbatch is basically a concentrated mixture of pigments and additives used during a manufacturing process to impart colours to

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